VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Addressing the Silences Project with the John Dickinson Plantation: An Exciting Volunteer Opportunity for SDARJ Members
This volunteer opportunity requires a two-and-a-half-year commitment, beginning in March 2023 and concluding in August 2025.
The Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice (SDARJ) is excited to announce a collaborative partnership with the John Dickinson Plantation (JDP) and the International Coalition of Sites of Conscience (ICSC), supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Over the next two and a half years, we will work closely with these esteemed organizations to develop and implement strategies addressing historical omissions within the JDP’s operations, collections, and programming. Our goal is to bring to light the narratives and experiences that have been historically marginalized, thereby fostering more inclusive and engaged communities.
Volunteer Responsibilities:
- Collaborate with JDP staff to identify areas where historical narratives have been incomplete or silenced.
- Assist in developing resources, tools, and practices to address these absences.
- Contribute to the creation of a scholarly report outlining findings and recommendations.
- Work alongside JDP staff to implement at least one internal and one public-facing change that promotes inclusivity, diversity, and equity.
Required Qualifications:
- Strong proficiency in contemporary computer applications (e.g., Teams, Slack, Google Suite, WhatsApp).
- Availability for weekly virtual meetings on Zoom.
- Monthly visits to the John Dickinson Plantation.
- Demonstrated experience and knowledge of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles.
- Comfort level engaging in public dialogue about race, racism, implicit bias, and microaggressions.
- Strong written communication skills, including the ability to contribute to scholarly reports.
This volunteer opportunity requires a two-and-a-half-year commitment, beginning in March 2023 and concluding in August 2025.
Join us in making a difference! This is an invaluable opportunity to contribute to a critical initiative and gain valuable experience in the field of racial justice and historical representation.
If you are passionate about equity and inclusion and possess the necessary skills, we encourage you to contact Gwendolyn Miller, the chair of Addressing the Silences Project with the John Dickinson Plantation, for further information at grybm@outlook.com.