Juneteenth Event, Volunteer Opportunity Join us June 15th in Georgetown
On June 15th, Georgetown will be hosting its Juneteenth Celebration. SDARJ will be marching in the Juneteenth parade and will have a table at the event. SDARJ plans to have a car and plus 5-10 people in the parade. The parade route is a mile. We will meet at 9:15 to march in the parade on Front Street in Georgetown.
We have solicited food vendors, health organizations and craft vendors to set up on site to sell items, food, free check of blood pressure and other vital health checks. During the day, we have a variety of fun activities for kids and entertainment for all including musical selections, dance performances.
We extend the invitation for you to participate in the parade (Hatti-302-548-0057), or set up your tent and sell your items to the visitors. If you would like to participate in the activities on that day, sell items, or participate in the parade please contact us via email: richardallenelementary@yahoo.com or by phone at: Richard Allen: 302-548-4929.