SDARJ Recently Honored North Georgetown Elementary School Students

The Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice (SDARJ) recently honored North Georgetown Elementary School fourth graders Ava Hagans and Deejahnae Johnson for their leadership, effort, and excellence. The students were recognized in a ceremony at the school and received $20 gift cards from SDARJ.
According to her teacher, Ava Hagans exhibits leadership, improvement, effort, positive attitude, and overall excellence. She is a leader in small groups and engages her classmates to complete their assignments together. Ava has improved in her reading fluency, increasing from 94 words correct per minute to 134 words. She exhibits a positive attitude toward learning, staff members, and her peers. Ava demonstrates excellence in her academics, behavior, and social skills. She is a joy to have in class.
Deejahnae Johnson also demonstrates leadership, improvement, effort, positive attitude and overall excellence. She leads her group to work collaboratively during independent work time. Deejahnae does well academically, especially in reading. She has increased in oral reading fluency from 118 correct words per minute to 167. She exhibits a positive attitude throughout the school day, with a smile for everyone she encounters. Deejahnae exhibits excellence in academics, behavior, and all facets of school life. She is a spectacular student.
SDARJ initiated the African American Achievement award to recognize students who represent the ideals of leadership, improvement, effort, and excellence in their schools. Students from each school in the Cape Henlopen and Indian River School Districts are recognized throughout the school year. SDARJ is a nonpartisan organization that educates, informs, and advocates for racial justice, equality, and fair opportunity.