SDARJ awards H.O. Brittingham students

The Cape Gazette | December 29, 2021
The Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice recently honored H.O. Brittingham Elementary students Cassidy Parson and Kylee Powell for their demonstration of leadership, improvement, effort and excellence.
Cassidy, a third-grader, always has a smile on her face and is a terrific school leader. Teachers say she brightens the day at HOB by helping her friends and teachers when needed. Cassidy shows others how to use their 7 Habits and is a role model at HOB. Teachers say she is amazing and will continue to be a leader in the community as she grows up.
Kylee, a fourth-grader, is an outstanding leader at HOB who uses her 7 Habits in the classroom and cafeteria, and on the playground. Kylee is also leading the way as a bilingual learner and part of the first class of Spanish immersion students excelling at HOB. Teachers say Kylee is a kind and helpful young lady who is going to do remarkable things in her life. Read the entire Cape Gazette article here.