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Returning Citizens Support Committee

To improve access to resources essential for returning citizens to acclimate back into the community.


  1. Partner with organizations involved in returning citizens support activities
    • We will act as SDARJ point of contact (POC) for organizations that support returning citizens.
  2. Identify career building opportunities for individuals transitioning from incarceration to local communities.
    • We will not perform the activities/services of a traditional Prison Ministry/Fellowship Organization but will act as the POC for all incoming inquiries from Returning Citizens.
  3. Generate support for systemic changes that would address discriminatory policies, procedures, and practices that contribute to racial disparities
    • We will act as the liaison with the SDARJ Legislative Committee on legislation that pertains to Returning Citizens.
    • Write articles for SDARJ Black Voices and other Publications.
    • We will ensure that incoming inquiries from Returning Citizens are forwarded to the appropriate Service Organization
    • We will meet with Returning Citizens as appropriate.

Join the Returning Citizens Support Committee

Contact Committee Chair, Melvin M Mitchell to see how you can help Returning Citizens acclimate back into the community.

Getting Support for Returning Citizens

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