Charlotte King and Aimee Wiest
December 3, 2020
Dear community of friends and supporters of a United America:
Sometime after the election Nov. 3, some hateful, malcontent vandalized the property of Dr. Aimee Wiest and myself by burning the word “Trump” in very large letters in our front yard. This misled, willfully ignorant person chose to dismiss our First Amendment rights and punish us for not sharing his/her divisive beliefs. The person mistakenly believed that it was his/her right or obligation to punish those who exercised a judgment that disagreed with his/hers.
Despite this heinous hate crime, which has been described by the investigating officer as a “criminal mischief action,” we have been uplifted by the tremendous support from so many persons. Some individuals, such as Mayor Ted Becker of Lewes and Sen. Ernie Lopez, visited us at our home to express their condemnation of such useless behavior and to offer support. We thank Sen. Lopez for arranging to have the lawn repaired. We are grateful to Mr. Mike Rawl of the Greater Lewes Foundation who tracked us down (through St. Peter’s Church in Lewes), who also offered to have the front lawn repaired. A special thanks to Mr. Rawl for the additional contribution of printed signs that were used in the silent vigil, and will be displayed by various businesses.
Read the entire Cape Gazette article here.