April 18 Forum on Addressing Racism through Criminal (In)Justice Reform
April 18th
at 6:30pm EST
UU Church
30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway (Rt. 9),
Lewes, DE.
or socialjustice@uussd.org
by Bo Gordy-Stith
The Unitarian Universalists of Southern Delaware is pleased to partner with the Southern Delaware Alliance for Racial Justice, the Smart Justice/Clean Slate initiative, the Campaign to end Debtor’s Prison and others to offer a forum entitled Addressing Racism through Criminal (In)Justice Reform on the evening of April 18 starting at 6:30. People with knowledge specific to Delaware will share the situation here AND some opportunities to influence legislative and structural changes. This is for anyone who cares about justice and equity and racism.
This event will give people of faith tools for making Delaware a more loving, caring, and just place to live. The forum is free.
The war on drugs, mass incarceration, the bail bond system, fines and fees that continue accruing, unequal sentencing, probation rules that send people back to prison for minor infractions, profiling, etc. All these are parts of the U.S. criminal (In)justice system that have sustained racial disparities by disproportionately affecting minorities and those with less income. They contribute to keeping us a divided society.
For questions or more information, please contact Mac Goekler co-chair Social and Environmental Justice Committee, UUSD at 330-414-8978 or socialjustice@uussd.org. The location of the forum will be at the UU Church at 30486 Lewes Georgetown Highway (Rt. 9), Lewes, DE.